Best Foods to Increase Body Muscle Mass Quickly

 Everyone wants a Good balanced Body.But it is hard to gain & even harder to maintain .  There are some vitamins & minerals which are essential for your body to grow.If you want muscle mass you have to control
your diet.You should exercise regularly . You should eat at least 5-6 times a Day.It increases you Metabolism
rate of developing muscle mass.

1. Vitamin D
A very essential nutritional thing, you can get from Fish, Cereals, Eggs, Soybeans , Almonds & Mushrooms etc .

2. Protein

The main muscle builder that you can get from Milk, Cheese, Seeds, Fish, Meat.

3. Vitamin A

This increases your Immunity & your body.The main sources of Vitamin A are Spinach , Carrots , Papaya , Tomatoes , Peas , Meat & Milk etc.

4. Calcium

It is very important for your bone's health.It strengthens your bones & makes them grow.The main sources are Milk, Cheese, Yogurt, Eggs etc.

5. Minerals

These can be gained from Green Beans, Spinach, Brocolli, Cabbage, Carrots, Bananas, Peanuts, Grapes, and Peaches etc.

6. Zinc

The main sources are Meat, Beans, Rice, Milk, Garlic, Nuts & Cheese .

These are main essentials for growth of your body but don’t forget the Carbohydrates & Fats.

In Expert's Opinion, You should consume at least One Lt. of Milk Everyday.Milk is the complete Food that nourishes your body with almost every daily nutrition essential you need .

If you keep this diet going for a month you will see a great change in your body. 
