10 simple Tips to lose weight Easily
However, the majority of diets and weight loss plans that quickly does not work as promised.
As reported by of rd.com, if you want to lose weight quickly, some of the tips below you can try
1. Write down what you eat during the week.
By having a food diary, could lose 15 percent of food consumed.
Cut down on watching television.
The more often watch, then you will eat more banyak3.
Do the job like wash, MOP or a bathroom drain, it could reduce the 4 calories per minute of it 4.
Wait till your stomach really hungry to eat.
The blue color is believed to be an appetite suppressant.
Therefore use taplak blue color on your dinner table.
Eating in front of a mirror will help lose weight 7.
Take 10 minutes to climb down stairs.
You brush your teeth after dinner, clean flavors in the mouth that makes you eat more again.
Walking 45 minutes a day will reduce the 300 calories per day.
Eat foods rich in water.
And consumption of fruits directly instead of fruit juice.
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