3 Simple Tips To Healthy Hair

Here are some tips that I've picked up along the way. These have truly helped enhance the health of my hair. Lets hope some of them is useful for you as well.

Shampoo in applicator bottle. This is probably one of my favorite tricks. You ever tried clarifying your scalp but the shampoo doesn't exactly reach the scalp with your fingertips? Try putting a little shampoo into an applicator bottle and add water. Shake the mixture until is lathers, and apply to scalp. It's similar to how you'd do a hot oil treatment. Let it sit on the head up to a minute and then wash it out.

comb with conditioner. This is something new that I've taken up. I often heard about wet comb and its benefits and I can now attest to them. When co-washing or deep conditioning, gently comb out the hair while the conditioner is setting. This way cut down the amount of detaining you'll have to do once you've cleaned out the conditioner and preparing to style the hair. It's also less damaging than dry comb the hair by eliminating breakage risk.

Don't comb too often. One of the things I've learn is the less you manipulate hair, the smaller the risk of breakage. With that said, try to comb out your hair less frequently and use Simple styles like buns and ponytails that may not need comb . The process of combing can leave you with excess broken hair on the floor even if careful techniques are used. As a result, I've sometimes chosen to put down the comb and leave my hair in a form that can be easily manipulated for daily styles.
