How to Eliminate Acne Naturally Fast

After you have problems acne face, of course, the first thing people think is eager to get rid of acne. Various Ways to Remove Acne done starting from the use of facial creams or drugs to relieve acne. But you should know that drug and outstanding facial creams that contain ingredients not the least harmful to the health of the body and cause side effects in the long term. Therefore Tips Eliminate Acne is a natural alternative you can do to get rid of acne without any harmful side effects.

How to Eliminate Acne Naturally and Fast, as follows:

    Egg Whites

Egg whites are not only able to tighten facial skin, but also can get rid of acne naturally. It's easy, simply by preparing to taste and whisk the egg whites until foamy, apply to the entire surface of the face such as the use of masks, let stand for 15 minutes to dry and then rinse thoroughly. Perform routine.


Tomatoes contain vitamin A and C that are useful to get rid of acne without side effects. It's easy, sliced ​​tomato taste rub or paste on the face with acne, let stand about 15 minutes and then rinse thoroughly. Perform routine.


Lemon juice contains citric acid that can remove dead skin cells that cause acne. You can make use of the herb lemon and rosewater. You do this simply by mixing the lime juice with a few drops of rose water and apply to the entire surface of the face, let sit about 10-15 minutes then rinse with warm water.

Some Ways to Remove Acne as above can be applied every day without having to worry about any side effects, because the natural materials used has been proven to eliminate acne up to the mark though, as long as it is done regularly. In addition to using some natural ingredients like the above, you need to take is to maintain a healthy lifestyle, pay attention to food in order not to consume fatty foods, avoid excessive use of cosmetics and avoid stress.
