Foods to Overcome Hot Summer Problem

I don’t know about you, but here in Texas the temperature has been staying regularly in the triple digits which instantly helps make me want to say sayonara to the stove as well as turn to more refreshing fare. Here are my top-10 picks for summer foods that keep you cool, hydrated, and nourishing.

Watermelon —It’s rich in Vitamins C and A and has anti-inflammatory effects. You’ll also take pleasure in the healthful benefits of beta-carotene and antioxidant-rich lycopene with each and every bite.

Cucumbers — a member of the same plant family as watermelon, highly hydrating cukes contain potassium, magnesium, and benefit tonify the kidneys and flush toxins, so make them a regular on your summer plate.

Mint — use mint liberally in the summer months to flavor your food and even drinks for when you need to cool off—and loosen up! Mint is easy to grow but may take over a garden, so it's far better to grow in a small container.

Cilantro — you either like it or hate it, and if you’re in the former camp, you’re in luck, because according to Ayurvedic principles, cilantro is the ultimate refreshing stimulant and tradition recommends increasing your consumption as a means of surviving torrid summers.

Sweet Berries — not simply are they in prime season during the summer months, but berries help quell fire and heat—what Ayurveda calls the “Pitta” qualities of the season.

Coconut Water — this refreshing drink assists you to beat tropical summer thirst. The juice is packed with basic sugar, electrolytes, and minerals to keep you hydrated. Always go for pure coconut water over flavored options.

Raw Radish — High in trace minerals and Vitamin C, this unassuming veggie also clears food stagnation and has a laxative effect due to its diuretic nature, all while having a cooling effect on the blood. Make this a spicy addition to your summer salads
