Save Baby from Polio with Vaccinations on Right Time

Polio disease is commonly caused by viruses that get into through food or drinks. Foods that have been toxified with feces and polio bacteria. Polio virus can also spread melelui discharge when coughing and sneezing. Polio is only found in humans. Polio virus infects the throat and intestine in the human body.

In tropical Nation, immunization or polio vaccine to minimize the polio virus. The virus is very dangerous for Baby, pregnant ladies and men or women whose immune systems are weaker. Therefore the risks if they are not contained in the immunization program or do not have a sanitation system clean and sound.
Make sure your Baby is given a polio immunization.

Childrens who have not been vaccinated will have a high risk of getting polio when doing or experiencing things like live with polio sufferers. Besides traveling to areas where polio still occurs too often is not recommended.

Babies should be given 4 doses of inactivated polio vaccine, which is when they were aged 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, and between 1.5-2 years. This has the possibility of an effective vaccine and almost 100 percent stop polio after three injections. The vaccine is risk-free for people whose immune systems are weak. The side effects of this vaccine is only ache and redness at the injection point.

Sometimes there is a sense that there are allergic reactions in some people who received the polio vaccine. Immediately consult a doctor if the allergy stays. Allergic reactions that may occur and usually appears after a short while to a few hours are dizziness, weakness, throat swelling, problems breathing, pale, husky, urticaria, and pounding heart. But it is still reasonable compared danggap we are exposed to polio virus.
