Fruits to eat in case of type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes makes up 90% of diabetes cases. Diet plays a vital role in patient suffering from this disease. It should help meet nutrient needs; manage blood sugar and blood lipid together with promoting the maintenance of healthy weight and stop cardiovascular sickness. Here are two foods to integrate in diabetes
menu, plus a healthy balanced food and regular physical excursive.

The pear
The pear Fruits has many phenolic compounds, flavonoids, responsible for the color of the fruit, and phenolic acids. Present mainly in the peel of the fruit, these components can neutralize free radicals, thanks to their antioxidant effect. Phenolic compounds thus contribute to the prevention of cardiovascular disease and certain cancers. 
The high fiber content of the pear Fruits also helps decrease the risk of heart disease and the regulation of intestinal transit. The soluble fibers contained in the pear delaying absorption of glucose in the small intestine, allowing a better control of glycemia. Patients with type 2 diabetes should monitor blood sugar levels, that is to say, the sugar (glucose) in the blood, so as not to be hyperglycemia. In the event of hyperglycemia, the person may experience different symptoms such as constant urge to urinate or a feeling of thirst.
